Source: 2014-01-13 14:21:00

[Abstract] On January 12, a member club salon hosted by Fangtianxia was held in Zhongying Black Forest. The activity invited Mr. James Zhang, founder of Phoenix Design in Hong Kong, and Ms. Zhang Yuzhi, Design crossover integration and management. For more than 20 members from club MBA, they explained Nordic lifestyle and home design style from their own perspectives. And shared the concept of “green design”.

On January 12, a member club salon hosted by Fang World was held in Zhongying Black Forest. Mr. James Zhang, founder of Phoenix Design in Hong Kong, and Ms. Zhang Yuzhi, Design Crossover integration and management were invited to explain the Nordic lifestyle and home design style to more than 20 members from club MBA from their own perspectives. And shared the concept of “green design”. In addition, Ms. Chen Jianfei, the cellar owner of Aicat Wine Cellar, also shared with you the design of Green Wine Cellar.

PM2.5 abuse reminds us to pay attention to low-carbon life

In 2013, the impact of PM2.5 spread from north to south, from Beijing to Shanghai, and the “Magic capital” also experienced several days of record-breaking PM2.5. Shanghai haze seriously affects our lives, how to let children’s young lungs no longer hurt, how to make our home, our living environment more healthy, has become our common concern.

Since the 2010 World Expo, environmental protection and low-carbon life has been an eternal trend, and before the World Expo, the “low-carbon” route was developed at the beginning of the planning of the Zhongying Black Forest project. Zhongying Black Forest uses 120,000 square meters of original forest cover, roof garden and 2 native natural rivers to create 100% vertical green ecological coverage of the park. 11,000 camphor trees create an urban forest oxygen bar space. In terms of architectural design, the project adopts 19 German intelligent technology systems to achieve a living environment that balances temperature, oxygen and humidity. From hardware configuration to home soft installation, all pure German imports.

The architectural design of the Middle Eagle Black Forest completely adopts the Nordic German style and thoroughly implements the concept of “green design”.

How do Northern Europeans avoid PM2.5

How to avoid PM2.5? What exactly did the Nordics do?

Mr. James Zhang, the founder of Phoenix Design in Hong Kong, shared with you the “Nordic life in the eyes of designers” with a designer’s vision, combined with his own eyes.

From lifestyle to living habits, from architectural style to building materials, from a wall spliced with broken wood strips to a multi-functional wine cabinet… Mr. James Zhang used pictures to show the low-carbon lifestyle of Denmark, Germany and other Nordic countries.

Simple but not simple, practical but not crude, this is the main style of architecture in northern Europe. Such architectural style has gradually influenced Chinese people. Nowadays, many Chinese designers will study in Northern Europe and apply the sparks from the collision with Nordic style design to Chinese architecture.

In addition to the design style, the concept of “low-carbon and environmental protection” has gradually affected more people. Many families would rather spend more money, but also must use low-carbon materials, rather than just meet the basic functional needs.